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Translation Plan

Students & Families
Translation Plan

Lake Worth Independent School District (LWISD) recognizes the critical role families play as our partners in the education of every child. This plan sets forth district and campus expectations to ensure all LWISD families, including non-English speakers, are provided proper translation and interpretation services, so they may be engaged participants in their children’s education.

School leaders should ensure staff, including front office staff, counselors and teachers know how to access an interpreter or to have documents translated when needed, and how to communicate effectively using an interpreter. Schools should take steps to inform parents that translation and interpretation services are available at no cost and how to request these services.  LWISD has established a partnership with Alboum Translation and Interpretation Services.  Each campus and district department will have a user account for accessing Alboum services.

LWISD shall ensure that information related to school and family engagement programs, processes, procedures, meetings, campus improvement plans, and other activities is provided to families in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language they can understand.  Campus and District departments shall provide translation of essential documents into Spanish through either written and/or oral translation.

Language Identification

LWISD must collect from parents/guardians a Home Language Survey to determine both student and parent language needs.  To determine the need for interpretation or translation services for English Learner students and their parents/guardians, school staff should refer to the LWISD Skyward student information system that will indicate the language needs identified in the survey.  In addition, parents/guardians who speak a language other than English may request translation and interpretation services for school-related communications at any time, even if they do not specifically identify such a need in the Home Language Survey.

District and Campus Websites

The Lake Worth ISD district and all Lake Worth ISD campus websites can be translated into various languages by selecting the language toggle button on the top left corner of each website’s information bar (if using a computer).



*This plan aligns with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).