Family Engagement Plan
Students and Families
Pre-Kindergarten Family Engagement Plan
Lake Worth ISD PreKindergarten program strives to provide a high-quality PreKindergarten experience for children and their families through a collaboration of home, school, and community partners.
Family engagement as defined by TEA is the mutual responsibility of families, schools, and the community to build relationships that support student learning and achievement. Family engagement supports family well-being and the continuous learning and development of children, families and educators. Family engagement is fully integrated in the child’s educational experience and supports the whole child and is both culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate.
TEA has defined six family engagement categories that must be supported within the local family engagement plan. The six areas and district strategies to support each family engagement category are listed below.
Facilitate family-to-family support
- Provide a safe and respectful environment where families can learn from each other as individuals and in groups on a campus and district level.
- Campus volunteer opportunities
- Campus family nights
- Meet the teacher
- Elementary Open House
Establish a network of community resources
- Link families with community resources depending on the family needs
- District and campus websites to access resources
Increase family participation in decision making
- Communicate opportunities for families to participate and serve in campus and district level committees and organizations
- Parent-teacher conferences
- Phone calls/emails
- Daily communication journals
Equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning
- PreKindergarten teacher websites and/or newsletter
- CLI Parent Page CLI Engage so that parents can access activities, online learning, and developmental milestones
- Partner with ESL Coordinator for adult classes in childhood literacy initiatives, training on programs for home use, etc.
- At Parent Conferences, teachers share ideas for supporting learning at home – providing any necessary materials (flashcards, crayons/pencils, counters, etc.)
Develop staff skills in evidence-based practices that support families in meeting their children’s learning benchmarks
- Parent-teacher conferences
- Guide parents to appropriate books to improve/begin reading
- Collaboration meetings
- Ongoing professional development
- Develop staff skills to support and use culturally diverse, culturally relevant, and culturally responsive family engagement strategies.
Evaluate family engagement efforts and use the results of evaluations for continuous improvement
- Parent and staff surveys to evaluate district programs
- Progress monitor data BOY and EOY
- Set child-centered goals with parents and meet periodically throughout the year in order to discuss the progress that has been made.