G/T Program Q&A
What are pull-out G/T Services?
Posted by: Dawn M. Bailey, G/T Program Services Coordinator
G/T pull-out services provide specialized programming in order to meet the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted students by designing opportunities for gifted students to work together and work independently during the instructional week under the guidance of a Gifted/Talented Specialist.
What will students do during G/T pull-out time?
Posted by: Dawn M. Bailey, G/T Program Services Coordinator
The G/T program curriculum units are designed with advanced content and research-based strategies that facilitate the growth of students as independent, self-directed learners, with the development of skills, concepts, and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional, and social domains. The program also includes units from the Texas Performance Standards Project that connect to grade-level standards.
Each year, students will study topics of interest through the lens of an overarching theme and generalizations. Students will explore gifted and talented strategies, leadership skills, digital competencies, self-efficacy traits, and social-emotional skills through four units of study.
How will I know how my child is doing in the G/T pull-out program?
Posted by: Dawn M. Bailey, G/T Program Services Coordinator
Students participating in the G/T program will have the opportunity to set learning goals and self-reflect on their progress to identify strengths and areas for growth.
The Gifted/Talented Specialist will share newsletters and will communicate with families on a regular basis. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to meet with the G/T Specialist at any time to discuss goals, progress, concerns, and questions.
Will my G/T student have extra work to do for missing class?
Posted by: Dawn M. Bailey, G/T Program Services Coordinator
G/T students will not receive additional work or be required to make up work when missing class time to attend the G/T pull-out program.
A common worry of gifted students and their families is that students will have extra work. This creates a feeling that students are penalized for being gifted. The G/T program provides extended learning opportunities for gifted students that encompass grade-level TEKS with appropriate depth, complexity, and pacing commensurate to students' abilities and needs.
Every effort is made to create a schedule that best meets the needs of students. G/T pull-out classes will not be scheduled during co-curricular classes, lunch, or recess.
Typically, gifted learners know more content prior to the introduction of the grade level curriculum and generally learn quicker than peers, requiring only 1-2 repetitions. Therefore, gifted learners should receive differentiated instruction in the general education classroom based on their needs.
- Students will not be penalized for participating in G/T services by receiving extra work.
- Teachers will check in with G/T students to ensure they understand the content missed while attending G/T classes, but will not require students to make up assignments from that time.
- It is strongly recommended that all special (library, computer lab, guest speakers, etc) or perceived “fun” class events not be reserved for when the G/T students are away and that testing be scheduled around the G/T schedule when possible.
- Teachers are asked to communicate regularly with the G/T Specialist with questions, concerns, and important upcoming special events.