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G/T Identification and Assessment

Each school year, referrals are accepted for the LWISD Gifted and Talented Program. Students may be referred for assessment at any time by teachers, school counselors, parents/guardians, or other interested persons. All kindergarten students are automatically considered for the gifted program and will participate in pre-screening activities in the fall semester with assessment occurring in the spring semester for students referred for further consideration.

According to the Texas Education Code §29.121, a gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who

  • exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
  • possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or
  • excels in a specific academic field. 

Lake Worth ISD identifies gifted students in grades kindergarten through twelve based on general intellectual ability. Assessment tools may include but are not limited to, the following: achievement tests, intelligence tests, creativity tests, observational checklists completed by teachers and parents/guardians, student/parent conferences, student work products, and/or student portfolios

Students may be referred for assessment at any time by teachers, school counselors, parents/guardians, or other interested persons.

Fall Screening: 1st - 12 Grade Spring Screening: Kindergarten
  • G/T Referral Forms due: October 15th
  • Testing Window: October 28th - November 22nd    
  • Committee Review: Week of November 4th
  • G/T Services begin: January 7th
  • G/T Referral Forms due: January 17th
  • Testing Window: January 27th - February 7th
  • Committee Review: Week of February 17th
  • G/T Services begin: Week of February 24th


**All kindergarten students are automatically considered for the gifted program and will participate in pre-screening activities in the fall semester with assessment occurring in the spring semester for students referred for further consideration**