Gifted and Talented Program Services
A continuum of services is provided for students in grades kindergarten through twelve who are identified for gifted and talented services. Gifted and talented students are recommended to be clustered together with other gifted and academically advanced students in classrooms with teachers meeting state G/T training requirements who differentiate the LWISD curriculum. Gifted and talented students are provided opportunities to work independently, with other identified gifted students, and with peers throughout the instructional day.
The goals of the Lake Worth ISD Gifted and Talented program support the skills, habits, and character of the LWISD Portrait of a Graduate. These goals include:
L - Develop selfless LEADERSHIP practices emphasizing collaborative decision-making, resulting in influential change.
I - Approach complex problems as a critical thinker with an open mind to create INNOVATIVE and adaptable solutions.
F - Recognize that FOCUS is necessary to stay motivated and determined to achieve self-driven goals.
E - Become a resilient, independent, confident, self-directed learner EMPOWERED to create a successful future.