Medical Forms and Information
Immunization Information
State law requires students in public schools to have specific immunizations before enrolling in certain grade levels. Information regarding required immunizations is available on the Immunizations Information page.
Flu Information
Flu season typically runs from October through mid-May, peaking in January and February. According to Tarrant County health officials, a flu shot is the best protection. Health officials recommend that everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu shot. More information and resources are available on the Medical Fact Sheets page.
Medical Fact Sheets
The Tarrant County Health Department periodically releases information relevant to known health issues in the general area. That information will be posted on the Medical Fact Sheets page as available. I
Medical Forms
Complete the applicable form if your child has food allergies or needs to take medication during the school day. Completed forms should be submitted to the nurse of your child's campus.