Vision and Mission
The Goals of the Dual Language and ESL Programs in Lake Worth ISD are:
The Lake Worth ISD Dual Language and ESL programs envision Emergent Bilingual students to achieve high levels of language proficiency and academic achievement to be competitive in college, be active members of work force and become global leaders in the community.
•All students who enter the Lake Worth ISD in grades PK-5 placed in a Dual Language Immersion – One Way program reach full proficiency in both English and Spanish within five to seven years, pass all state required academic tests, and develop sociocultural competence.
•All students who enter the Lake Worth ISD in grades PK-8 placed in an ESL program reach full proficiency in English within five to seven years and pass all state-required academic tests and develop sociocultural competence.
•All students who enter Lake Worth ISD in grade 9 or above and are placed in an ESL program meet graduation requirements passing all state-required academic tests.