Program Models
23-24 LWISD Bilingual and ESL Programs
TEA Instructional Models
Miller Language Academy and Effie Early Learning Academy
- Dual Language Immersion Model One-Way
- English As a Second Language Content Based
- In addition, Pull-Out Services
Marine Creek Leadership Academy and Howry STEAM Academy
- English As a Second Language: Content Based
- In Addition, Pull Out Services
Collins Middle School and Lake Worth High School
- English As a Second Language Pull Out
- In Addition, Push In Instructional Support
In Lake Worth ISD Emergent Bilingual Students are learning content area knowledge while they acquire and develop English
• TAC 89.1201 (d) Bilingual education and ESL programs shall be integral parts of the total
school program. Such programs shall use instructional approaches designed to meet the
specific language needs of emergent bilingual students. The basic curriculum content of the
programs shall be based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and the English
language proficiency standards required by the state.