Fundraiser Exempt Dates
Texas policy under the USDA Food and Nutrition Service guidelines for Smart Snacks in School allow each campus to select 6 days during the school year on which "NON-Smart Snack" foods may be sold. These dates are noted as Fundraiser Exempt Dates, providing campuses and school organizations an opportunity to use "NON-Smart Snack" foods to raise funds. All snacks sold to students on any other dates must meet the Smart Snacks in School guidelines.
The dates selected by each campus for the current school year are listed below. If a campus is not shown, it has not selected any Fundraiser Exempt Dates. Thus, foods sold on any day on that campus are required to meet Smart Snacks in School guidelines.
Lake Worth High School
Miller Language Academy
Marine Creek Leadership Academy
Howry STEAM Academy
Lucyle Collins Middle School
Other than on the Fundraiser Exempt Dates, any food sold to students during the school day must meet the Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines.
(Note: Under the Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines, "School Day" is the period from midnight through 30 minutes after campus dismissal time.)
Foods sold to students cannot compete with the district's school breakfast or lunch programs.
No food of any type may be sold to students anywhere on campus during a meal service period in which reimbursable meals provided by the Child Nutrition Department are sold or consumed on the school campus — even on Fundraiser Exempt Dates.